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idaho inkspots

calligraphy guild

The Idaho Inkspots Calligraphy Guild is a non-profit organization for calligraphers of all skill levels.

We meet monthly in the Boise area, and anyone interested in learning calligraphy is welcome!


Welcome to the Inkspots!  

If you are interested in calligraphy in any way, please contact us. We'd love to meet you at our next meeting and help further your calligraphic pursuits.


For new and returning members, click here to view options:


Inkspots Calligraphy Exhibit 

Go to our online Gallery to see our members' entries to our annual Inkspots Calligraphy Exhibit.  The Exhibit travels each month to select Treasure Valley public libraries for display. The current exhibit schedule is listed in the Gallery. 


Upcoming Events

All images are copyright protected.

Idaho Inkspots Calligraphy Guild
P. O. Box 265
Eagle, Idaho 83616

Email us at: 

The Idaho Inkspots Calligraphy Guild is a registered non-profit corporation (D) with the State of Idaho, No. 630468

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