Please bring these items with you for B’day Card Making for the Jan meeting:
- Ruler - 12in is enough- Moist or new glue stick - Burnisher
- Xacto knife and pad to cut on - Bone folder - Soft pencil for marking - Old magazine for gluing - Pastels or Watercolors for a little added color to the Birthday Greeting (so bring a water holder and assorted brushes of your choice.)
-Colored pencils
Also, if you haven't already renewed your membership, please bring your $20 dues to the meeting. Quality Art discount cards will be available at the meeting for each current member.
Bring your exhibit piece(s) to the meeting. Lea will be in charge of getting them to the next location on the year-long tour, so we need your framed artwork as soon as you can get it to us. Theme is "Be the Light"