Introduction to Fraktur
with Nina Tran

Fraktur is a 16th century German style of Blackletter which combines the dense vertical texture of Gothic Textura and the lively curves of Gothic Batarde hands. The name Fraktur, derived from the Latin word fractura (meaning "broken"), appropriately describes the distinctive fragmentation of joined and overlapped strokes.

In this Fraktur class, we will begin with a brief study of the parent Gothic Textura as a guide and foundation to the ever-evolving Fraktur. Despite the typical characteristics attributed to Fraktur, this hand is quite versatile and can be easily varied from bold to light, compressed or airy, coarse or elegant with just a few adjustments, as we will see in class.
All skill levels are welcome.

MARCH 4 AND 5, 2022
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM EACH DAY
(no evening presentation)
Seating is limited to 16
College of Western Idaho (CWI)
Mallard Place Building, Room: AMAL 1135
9100 W. Black Eagle Drive, Boise, ID 83709
NW corner of Overland Rd. and Maple Grove Rd.
Nina Tran is a single mom to 3 kids in sunny Los Angeles, California. Her teaching is fueled and propelled by her love and enthusiasm for learning how to write beautiful letters. Currently, she teaches Copperplate, Spencerian, Pointed Pen Flourishing, Gothicized Italic, Fraktur, and Monoline Foundational Blackletters. When she is away from her pens, she enjoys reading, bullet journaling, and bookbinding.
Supply List for Fraktur Class:
-At least 2 Pilot Parallel Pens of the same size (3.8mm is recommended; 6.omm is ok too)
-Each pen should hold a different colored ink and labeled accordingly.
-Cartridge refills* (Black and red colors are recommended but you may use whichever colors you like)
You may opt to refill your blank cartridges with fountain pen-friendly inks, which is what I'll be doing.
Because we will be using mostly black ink to write, I find it useful to have a Pilot Parallel Pen (PPP) loaded with a black cartridge while also dipping its nib into an inkwell. This keeps me from using up the cartridge too quickly and it gives me the satisfaction of pausing as I write -- just like writing with a dip pen.
-9 x 12" Marker/layout paper (Borden & Riley #37 Boris Marker Layout is recommended as it has a bit of tooth (not too smooth); Canson ProLayout or XL Maker is a good alternative)
-2 Sharpened #2 pencils
-12" Ruler
-Mechanical pencil
-2-3 different colored pens for taking notes
-2 Paper Clips
-Non-permanent adhesive tape such as regular Scotch tape, washi tape, or painter's tape
-3-4 sheets of paper towel
Note: I will be demonstrating with 3-4 Pilot Parallel Pens, each pen holding a different colored ink. Students may use dip pens such as Speedball C, Mitchell, or Brause close to 3.8mm, if they prefer. If so, they will also need to bring ink, a container for water, and paper towels. A slant board is not necessary; however, if students prefer to work on a slant board, they are welcome to bring them.