Adolf Bernd "Painted Letters"

Thursday, April 18, 2024
6:30pm - 8:30pm
CWI: Boise Campus
1360 S. Eagle Flight Way, Boise, ID 83709
Room: APIN 1206
Join us in learning about Adolf Bernd and his painted letters. While it is quite difficult to summarize his work, Heather Rohnert will share about Adolf's tonal work that marks him out as quite unique. We'll examine modern work inspired by Adolf, discuss color theory, and play with watercolor activities to help us develop our own painted letters.
Pencil for drawing, HB or an F
Watercolor paper (cold pressed)
**Watercolor paints (tubes or cakes). Consider bringing 2 reds, 2 blues and 2 yellows, (a cool and a warm of each color) plus a neutral, such as Paynes Grey.
Good quality pointed brushes, sizes 2, 4 and perhaps a 6
A palette, ceramic or plastic
Water pots (to be changed frequently)
Paper towels for blotting
**Watercolors are essential (NOT gouache)
OPTIONAL: Any natural object (or photo would work) of flower, feather, vegetable, leaf, bark, stone, etc.
Note: This meeting will be available on Zoom to members. A Zoom link and handouts will be emailed prior to meeting for those registered.